Industry Representative | Jiexun’s Theme Promotion at the 2024 Shandong Anhui Grain Industry Development Cooperation Conference

Industry Representative | Jiexun’s Theme Promotion at the 2024 Shandong Anhui Grain Industry Development Cooperation Conference

publishdate:2024-05-15 views:276

On May 15th, the “Qilu Grain and Oil” China Tour Hefei Promotion Conference and the 2024 Shandong Anhui Grain Industry Development Cooperation Conference were grandly held in Hefei. Representatives from grain administrative departments at all levels in Shandong and Anhui provinces, as well as more than 50 grain and oil processing enterprises, gathered in Hefei. Jiexun, as an outstanding representative of “Anhui Good Grain Machinery”, participated in this grand event.

Wang Weihua, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Shandong Provincial Grain and Material Reserve Bureau, emphasized in her speech that we should build a communication platform for the grain industry in Shandong and Anhui provinces, and work together to achieve mutual benefit and better development.

Cao Yuefang, Deputy Director of Anhui Provincial Grain and Material Reserve Bureau, delivered a keynote speech on “Deepening the Grain Industry Chain and Ensuring National Food Security”, and recommended the “Anhui Good Grain Machinery” enterprise represented by Jiexun Optoelectronic. He fully recognized the contribution of Jiexun Optoelectronic in promoting high-quality development of the grain and oil industry through sorting technology innovation.

As a representative of the promoting enterprise, Jiexun made a theme promotion for Jiexun Cloud Control · Assisting Intelligent Factories.Under the national call to share “new quality productivity”, Jiexun improves factory capacity and production efficiency through quality sorting technology innovation, improves quality of grain and oil and promotes brands of grain and oil, deepens the technological transformation on the processing side, and uses the product advantage of “One Sorter Equals Two Sorters” and the production line control solutions of “Everything is Controllable” to help build a driving engine for the development of the grain industry.

In the display film of“Endless Good of Qilu Grain and Oil·Anhui Impression”, Jiexun quality sorters are continuously and stably operating, adding to the high-quality development of Qilu grain and oil.

Wan Ruijian, Director of Anhui Provincial Grain and Material Reserve Bureau, and Wang Weihua, Director of Shandong Provincial Grain and Material Reserve Bureau, visited the Jiexun booth.

The grain supply in Shandong and Anhui is harmonious, and the industry is prosperous.The remarkable achievements made in the high-quality development of the grain industry in Qilu and Anhui are driven by technological innovation.In the future, Jiexun will continue to promote the coordinated development of Anhui and Shandong, consolidate the foundation of food security, and add strength and enhancement to the promotion of high-quality food projects and the upgrading of the entire food industry chain.