【Quality Sorting Site】On-site Experience Event for PRO Series Rice Quality Sorting New Products Was Successfully Held in Guangxi!

【Quality Sorting Site】On-site Experience Event for PRO Series Rice Quality Sorting New Products Was Successfully Held in Guangxi!

publishdate:2024-04-01 views:710

Since the release of PRO rice cloud quality sorting new products, PRO quality sorters have quickly been widely used in the rice processing industry, with the slogan of "better identification, deeper understanding, one machine with multiple functions, and complete system impurity removal" becoming the strongest symbol of the AI quality sorting era. On March 30th, the PRO series rice quality sorting new products experience event was successfully held in Guangxi!

PRO quality sorting is far ahead!

This on-site experience event mainly invited high-quality customers of Jiexun quality sorter to exchange and share techniques and conduct actual inspections of the production line, in order to comprehensively understand the outstanding performance and advantages of PRO new products.

Jiexun has always had a high and good reputation in the field of grain processing in Guangxi. Through technological innovation, Jiexun continuously solves industry difficulties and provides high-quality solutions for the rice processing industry. We believe that it will promote the rice processing industry to open a new chapter with the comprehensive application and promotion of PRO new products!